Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Made a Decision


Letter to a Sponsee who wandered off into the internet


Was sorry to not see you "in" our meetings last night. The first meeting was all about relapse (two of our members did recently) and it was very powerful. Much to think about and to learn from. We are never free of our disease, you know. It can rear its ugly dangerous head at any time. Vigilance - one day at a time - is our protection. 


I suspect you are angry with me for my comments at your Facebook post yesterday, and that's fine.  I genuinely don't care if we agree about the basics of life ... I say poh-tay-to, you say po-taaa-toe ... you like orange, I like red ... you like the Noon meetings, I prefer the 1830 meetings ... big deal. Our differences are what make people endlessly interesting. But I will always challenge you - or anyone - when I see lies being perpetuated. 


My concern here is about you spreading information about your recent interest in many online conspiracy theories. Such theories can be more interesting and exciting than reality, but anything based on distortion of reality is dangerous - especially to anyone trying to live by spiritual principles as we do in AA. 


Alcoholics Anonymous is all about the truth - that's what the steps are all about. We recognize the truth in Step 1 that we are powerless over alcohol; we learn about our own character problems in our 4th and 5th steps; we ask our Higher Power to remove those defects and thus allow us to see ourselves and others more clearly; we share the truth about recovery in our 9th and 12th step work - and so on. 


Is AA no longer interesting or a priority in your life? If so, you have reached a very dangerous place in your recovery. With zoom meetings we have the opportunity to go to meetings all over the world. I hope you will take full advantage of that. 


I am not here to lecture you. I am here as your sponsor, committed to telling you the truth about recovery. And the truth is you are putting other things ahead of sobriety when you don't get to your home group for two weeks. 


If you think another AA member would serve you better now in sponsorship, that's fine. I have no ego invested in your recovery. I just want you to stay sober and live to enjoy one positive experience after another in the years ahead. If a different sponsor can help you achieve that, go for it! Take care of yourself and your sobriety. It's the most valuable thing you have.


If you stay with me you can be assured I will always challenge you on issues of truth. Lies - even little white ones - are dangerous for anyone, but they can be lethal for an alcoholic. And the most dangerous lies of all are the ones we tell ourselves.


All our answers for life as recovering people are based on the honesty found in the steps - learning them and living them on a daily basis is a sure path to better living. That's the one thing I absolutely know for sure.


Here's something else I know for sure - You are smart, witty, interesting and just plain lovely. You are a joy to know. But never forget that you need AA  - and that AA needs you!


And that’s the truth!

1 comment:

  1. I hear this! AA is a program for people who want it. We have to do the work, which include making meetings, working the Steps and being accountable. In my own experience, I had a sponsee who was proud of her hardheadedness, proclaiming that we ALL have to fight back the urge to drink many times a day. Uh...NO, newbie. That "terminal uniqueness" can kill us or drive us crazy with that loop of bad decisions and obsessive thinking. AA is a beautiful and symbiotic symbiotic relationship between newcomers and those in the Steps. Come and stay...we need your energy and we need yours.
